The project will explore the use of vertical axis wind turbines, which could be located on the southern boundary. We will also explore other energy sources throughout the site, such as photovoltaic panels, geothermal and biomass all of which could provide long term income streams via the generation of energy and which would offer many educational benefits to our schools etc visitors. Assistance may be sought from the “GREAT” (renewable energy consultancy) at Grimsby Institute and others appropriate specialists
A primary aim is to become a visitor / learning centre demonstrating new renewable and energy technologies to educate all ages. This especially applies to the many local and regional primary and academy school students.
Additionally, there will be many leisure and recreational activities on site for families and businesses to try. Many of these came from our consultation events and we hope that some will be on offer as early as springtime 2018? Some of these are:
Community Building
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The ground flora in the wooded area and around the hedges and lakes includes: sweet violet, enchanter’s nightshade, wood avens, giant fescue, hairy brome, hedge garlic, wild arum, nipplewort and false brome
Tree and Hedgerows
The wooded area and hedgerows consist of the following: Horse chestnut, Sycamore, ash, Privet, Hawthorne, Dog Rose, Lime, Lombardy, Poplar, Prunus, Elm, Beech and Leylandii.
Species which can be found around site include: Bluefinch, Skylark, Linnet, Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting, Grey Partridge, Lapwing, House Sparrow, Starling, Brown Long Eared Bat, Water Vole, Common Pipistrelles, Common frog, Common Toad.
Topography and Geology
The existing site has primarily been used as agricultural land; there are 2 large lakes on the south-eastern part of the site, the most Easterly Lake having a gently sloping bank towards the easterly boundary. Most of the site is flat and sits at 10.7 meters above sea level. There is also a small incline on the southerly side of the lakes, leading to a public footpath. The highest part of the site is at 13.96 meters above sea level.
The Lakes
A survey completed as part of the 106 Planning Document indicates the likely absence of great crested newts breeding in the surveyed ponds. It is therefore concluded that great crested newts are likely to be absent from the proposed development site. Small numbers of smooth newt, common toad and common frog were recorded in the ponds within 250 metres of the site boundary. Common toad is a UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UK BAP) priority species and is likely to occur within the site during its terrestrial (non-breeding) phase.
No further surveys or mitigation for great crested newt is considered necessary. Appropriate biodiversity enhancement measures could potentially include the provision of terrestrial habitat for amphibians such as rough grassland and log piles near the existing ponds and / or new pond creation.
There is no evidence of badger using the site but we know they are around the site and no further badger surveys or mitigation is considered necessary.
Breeding Birds
The proposed development could result in the loss of breeding habitat for the following UK BAP priority species: 2 pairs of skylark; 2 pairs of linnet; 1 pair of yellowhammer; and 1 pair of bullfinch. Given the numbers of the above species, it is considered that the loss of habitat for these species is not likely to be significant at the local level or above, although the impacts could be significant within the immediate zone of influence of the proposed development.
Standard mitigation measures will be required to avoid the damage/destruction of active bird nests. Any work affecting potential bird nesting habitat (arable, hedgerows, trees, dense ground vegetation) will be undertaken outside the period March-August inclusive. If this is not possible, such work will be preceded by a check for bird nests by a suitably qualified ecologist. If active nests are present these should be retained in situ until the nests are no longer active.