Youth Partnership North East Lincolnshire (YPNEL), a consortium of local community and charity groups, is asking 8-18 year-olds in North Cleethorpes what youth sessions or clubs they would like to see in their area.
Youth workers from the partnership will be visiting local areas to encourage young people to fill in their thoughts online, with feedback providing YPNEL the opportunity to plan youth service provision in 2017 and beyond.Positive Activities is one of the consortium partners and we are really looking forward to hearing young people’s views.
Young people who wish to fill out the consultation can do so online by visiting,
For more information on the consultation and the Youth Partnership, please call Penny Thompson on 01472 359 621, 07736156133 or email
Cleethorpes Winter Wonderland
Come and join us next week at Cleethorpes Winter Wonderland.
We are taking Archery, Laser Target Shooting and other activities,
a prize for every child.
See for details
Archery Coaches Alistair Woodhouse and Mike Burley delivered another enjoyable session to the youngsters of BANC (Binbrook Activity Night Club) on Wednesday 9/6/2016, at the village hall grounds.
The event was requested by the chair of the village organisation Mr Andrew Naden, who is also a member of the Sunday Positive Activities archery group.
On interview Andy told us that the group currently has around 30 primary age and younger members and the intent of the parents and committee is to offer the children something different, and to ensure they are introduced to social and beneficial activities. From the politeness and excitement, we received we can confirm that they are succeeding.
Several individuals had never handled a bow but after calm and clear tuition they soon picked up and their aims and scores were more than above expectations.
“Solidarity and community spirit is the driving force that keeps us going; we enjoy seeing their enjoyment, but tonight, I had a go and found it rather nerve racking but so enjoyable.” Kate Collins (parent)
The youngest member was 3 yr. old Evie Webster proving that age is not a barrier.
Jill Bruce stated that she was also nervous but surprised herself by hitting Gold with her first arrow
Some great laughter and fun was had by all and we will be returning to this great village
Sunday Morning Archery CLub
Every Sunday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Centre4 17a Wootton Rd
DN33 1HE
Free parking is available
There will be a small charge per person of £5 per person per hour
Family’s of 4 will be charged £15 per hour
Sunday Morning Archery Club
Sunday morning archery club are always welcoming new members like James.
See our calendar for details and come along and try archery
Sunday Archery Club
Andrew Dudgeon
Andrew started as a complete novice 1 year ago. He found that he really enjoyed archery and progressed rapidly. He has since purchased his own bow and arrows after advice from the Positive Activities (formerly GHoPA coaches and has achieved a high standard of archery. He now wishes to progress further in the sport by coaching other people. He has also introduced his teenage daughter to archery and has purchased a bow for her and helped to coach her to a good standard.
Peter Topliss
This 87 year old gentleman watched various people try archery at one of our taster sessions. We asked him if he would like to try the sport and he replied that he would like to but he couldn’t as he was blind in one eye and partially sighted in the other. We encouraged him to have a go, which he did with some success. We invited him to come to our Sunday archery sessions but he told us he had no transport and that he couldn’t come. Positive Activities (formerly GHoPA arranged with him to take him to the session every Sunday and back home. He now attends every week and enjoys every minute. It gives him something to look forward to and has made him feel younger and more confident.
Brooke Saxton
One of our younger participants Brooke, has some major medical conditions and social communication issues. We are very aware that we need to take on-board these restrictive conditions and carry out special coaching for him to enjoy the sessions. We are pleased to say his parents are delighted at his progress and eagerness to attend the sessions and say that they have seen a vast improvement in him.
Weelsby Woods Gala Fun
THE Friends Around Weelsby are champion fundraisers.
Supporters of the residents’ group helped raise money to take children to the pantomime at Grimsby Auditorium in December by taking part in games and buying goods at stalls.
They organised a gala fun day in Weelsby Woods, Grimsby, which included archery delivered by GHoPA, boxing, cake stalls and tug-of-war competition. The family event was officially opened by The Mayor of North East Lincolnshire, Councillor Cliff Barber, who was joined by the MP for Grimsby, Melanie Onn, and ward councillors for Heneage, Councillors Matthew Patrick and Ros James.
They praised the organisers, Stella Rush, chairman of the group, and treasurer, Pat Beck. The Mayor said: “I do hope it will become an annual event as the money raised, not only today but other events, will go towards local children attending the Christmas pantomime at the auditorium.
“A big thank you to everyone who has been involved in making it a success.” Councillor James said: “They are a relatively new group. A lot of hard work has gone into it and it deserves to be a success.” Councillor Patrick said: “It is fantastic. From the start, it was surprising how much was added to all the attractions.”
Treasurer Pat Beck said: “It is the end of the summer holidays and nice for all the families to get together before going back to school. None of it costs much as we wanted to make it affordable to families and all the money will be spent locally.” Chairman Stella Rush said: “The cakes have been flying off the table and we sold most of them within the first half an hour. It is good to know all the money will be going to subsidise the pantomime trip and people know the money is staying in Grimsby.”
Another young person hooked on archery
The coaches at GHoPA were introduced to Dave (Brooks’ father) through a community event.
He explained how Brook has various health problems and was unsure whether Archery would be something he could do. With much reassurance from the coaches here at GHoPA, Brook tried Archery. Brook now attends the Open Archery Sessions held every Sunday 10am – 12noon at the YMCA Peaks Lane Grimsby. He has gained so much confidence and self-belief, the Archery is also helping him with his concentration which he uses in his day-to-day life. Brook has also gained a higher level of fitness due to taking part in the Archery Session. He could only manage an hour at the start, whereas now he can do the full two hours. Brook enjoys every minute of his time with the GHoPA coaches.
If you are interested in joining us on one of our Sunday session’s or would like more information, contact Sean Snelson on 01472 236677 or
A star in the making
During our Sunday Archery sessions which are held at YMCA Peaks Lane every week, we have a very talented 8 year old named Esme. She has been coming to the weekly sessions from the beginning.
Esme’s mother had tried to get her into archery as it was something she was very interested in. Despite trying several organisations who were not willing to take her. Her mother had done some research and found GHoPA through our website.
Lead Archery Coach, Michael Burley explains “Esme is a very talented young individual. We are lucky to have her join us every week. Esme has shown what a natural talent she has for Archery. She is such a pleasure to teach as she is like a sponge taking all the instructions in from the coaches, and is getting better on every session. I as a coach believe that she is one of the most naturally talented youngsters I have had the pleasure to teach in the last twelve years of coaching.”
Esme is so excited and cannot wait for Sunday’s to come around each week.
If you are interested in joining us on one of our Sunday session or would like more information, contact Sean on 01472 236677 or
Clee Fest 2015
The fourth annual Clee Fest was hailed as the biggest and best yet and thousands gathered at Cleethorpes Meridian Showground for a festival of music and fun.
GHoPA attended and brought archery to the festival for anyone to have a go, it was a great success as people came back repeatedly to have a go.
Characters from the children’s movie Frozen, including Anna, Elsa and Olaf, mingled with the members of One Direction tribute band One D and had photos taken with many of the children at the open air festival.
Gary said: “There has been something for everyone. We have Viking battles re-enacted, throwing teddy out of the bed in aid of the YMCA, and archery from Get Hooked On Positive Activities.”
He also praised the performances from Madness tribute band One Step Behind and the Bon Jovi tribute.
The Idols and The Dangerous Brothers, who opened with Louis Armstrong’s song, went down a treat with the crowds.
Gary added: “We are very happy and pleased with the response and thank the people of Cleethorpes and thank the resort for making all this possible.”
He also thanked Steve Stanley, of Solid Entertainments, for the stage management.
Claire Cole, 34, of Scartho, said: “It has been amazing and great fun.”
Sophie Askam, 27, of Cleethorpes, was loving the Idols singing Fleetwood Mac songs.
She said: “It is my first Clee Fest but I am thinking of bringing the children next year because it is such fun. It is bringing everyone together.”
Tegan Kennedy, 18, said: “Everyone is friendly and there is no bother. It is a nice local event.
“We brought the tent knowing the British weather, but it has been great, too.”
Sophie Marriott, 26, of Grimsby, was with friends Pete Wood, 48, of Ladysmith Road, Grimsby, and Lianne Bracey, 21, of Grimsby. Sophie said: “The music is great. It is nice to see all ages enjoying themselves. There is something for everyone. The Fake Fest is here, but there is nothing for the kids.”
The Reverend Andy Tappin, youth community manager and chaplain for the YMCA, led a team to set up the Throw The Teddy Out The Bed contest.
It was wheeled the four miles of the Cleethorpes Carnival last weekend and was reduced to just one wheel.
He said: “Clee Fest has been a fantastic event. The sun has come out and the music is brilliant and everyone is enjoying the day.”
If you would like us to hold a corporate event for you, please contact Sean on 01472 236677 or