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  • Mark Fenty – Chairman


Mark is also the Managing Director of Get Hooked on Positive Activities and Chairman of Positive Activities. Both are charitable organisations who have successfully delivered many ground-breaking community based projects within the North East Lincolnshire region.


In 1997, Mark led a project team to secure a £1.1m Big Lottery ESF bid to develop a community digital media studio, which was classed as the first digital studio “of its kind” in Europe. Immage 2000 was created out of a derelict school and was officially opened in 1997 by Sir David Puttnam to national and international publicity.


Prior to the creation of Immage 2000, Mark owned a creative design, marketing and print company which had 13 employees. The company provided a range of local, national and international clients with marketing consultancy, printed literature and promotional material.


  • Alan Burley – Fundraising Director


Alan has worked and volunteered in community based work for over 30 years. He joined Positive Activities as a volunteer. Alan has a deep passion of helping socially and economically challenged members of our community. Alan is very much an unsung hero who is also a trustee of both the Shalom Youth Centre and Harbour Place Day Centre.


Alan brings a mass of experience, passion, commitment and knowledge and over 35 years of experience particularly around funding application writing and delivery.


  • Peter Hyde – Technical Director


Peter joined the Board in a technical capacity to help develop IT systems. He enjoys coaching and regularly assists volunteers and coaching staff to deliver sessions at local schools and open spaces. Peter graduated from college with a BTEC National Diploma in horticulture and successfully worked at a local golf club landscaping, gardening and general garden maintenance.


Peter then went on to work within the process department of a worldwide petrochemical company and soon began looking for a way to give something back to the local community and found Positive Activities.


  • (SAG) Steering Advisory Group


EAAC is a large-scale project which is likely to have an impact across the borough and beyond. The Trustees of Positive Activities therefore unanimously agree that this project is an ideal opportunity to strengthen the current Board.


Already the Trustees have been enlisting the support of influential individuals who will add great value to the project. The (SAG) Steering Advisory Group have the responsibility to help and advise the Board continually throughout the development process.


The (SAG) will be made up of people who have specific skills such as: Business Development, Finance, Grant funding / fundraising, Environment / Ecology, Renewables and Technology. This skills list will be fluid and may alter to suit the projects future requirements.