Persimmon Homes – Building Developers
NELC Local Authority – HEAT Low Carbon Initiative
Ninebot – Electric transportation systems
ISABEL – GBF Global Biotechnology Foundation – European funded Carbon research organisation
CPO Media – Leading youth engagement organisation,
Harbour Place Day Centre – Delivering support and training to homeless and other socially excluded groups,
Foresight – Providers of specialist support services to the disabled community.
Doorstep Charity – Providing support and temporary accommodation to young people who are aged between 16 and 25 and are homeless.
Centre4 – A vibrant community hub that offers advice, support services and activities to the local community.
Empower – An employability mentoring programme supporting individuals overcome the barriers that prevent them from gaining and sustaining employment.
VANEL (Voluntary organisation) – We were the first “not for profit” social enterprise organisation in the N E Lincolnshire area to be awarded 2 stars with the (SVA) Supporting Volunteers Award by VANEL. 2 stars is the highest award possible. GHoPA is registered as a partner with VANEL and receives business support in governance, payroll and CRB checking.
YMCA (Humber Region)
Our partnership with the YMCA goes from strength to strength. Our organisation helps and supports YMCA clients through volunteering and structured activity / learning programmes. We help develop their client’s key life skills such as self-esteem, confidence and teamwork, all aimed at helping them through a very difficult transitional period of their lives.
Youth Partnership Consortium
Positive Activities, YMCA Humber region, Lincs Inspire, Centre4, Immingham Oasis Academy and Wintringham Academy formed a partnership consortium late in December 2014. Led by YMCA, the purpose was to tender a contract with the local authority to deliver alternative youth provision for 3 years across the North East Lincolnshire borough. The bid was won and delivery will begin in February 2015.
Humberside Police
We have always had a strong working relationship with the Humberside Police and Police Community Support Officer’s. We have helped to reduce anti-social behaviour and crime by working with some of the most vulnerable and challenging young people, especially those classed as “at risk of crime”. The project has had some remarkable outcomes working with gold offenders helping them to make the positive transition away from a permanent life of crime.
Get Hooked on Positive Activities (GHoPA) Stakeholder
GHoPA is the delivery arm and provides additional management support, expertise. The Charities Board work with GHoPA to create annually agreed strategic aims and outcomes which support its mission and social aims. The charity has a formally agreed (SLA) Service Level Agreement to strengthen its supporting role with GHoPA.
Positive Activities works in partnership with Sported to access grants to increase the sporting provision in the N E Lincolnshire region. GHoPA completed a formal partnership agreement in 2014 and as a result we have already been successful in applying for a 2 year “Comic Relief” funded development to give NEET’s aged 18 – 24 better access to sports engagement, accreditation and work based opportunities.